Yichao Cai 蔡逸超


I am a second-year PhD candidate at AIML, The University of Adelaide, under the supervision of Prof. Javen Qinfeng Shi, Dr. Zhen Zhang, and Dr. Yuhang Liu. My research lies at the intersection of causality and machine learning, focusing on representation learning, generative modeling, and multimodal learning. By exploring identifiability, I aim to bridge empirical success with theoretical rigor, creating machine learning models that are both reliable and controllable.

Looking ahead, I envision advanced AI systems that deeply understand human conceptual frameworks while remaining inherently interpretable, fostering trust and meaningful collaboration between humans and machines.

Outside of research, I find peace in reading poetry, studying existential philosophy, and taking nighttime strolls.

“A good half of the art of living is resilience.” — Alain de Botton


Jul 2, 2024 Our work, CLAP: Isolating Content from Style through Contrastive Learning with Augmented Prompts, is accepted to appear at ECCV 2024.

selected publications

  1. CLAP: Isolating Content from Style through Contrastive Learning with Augmented Prompts
    Yichao Cai, Yuhang Liu, Zhen Zhang, and Javen Qinfeng Shi
  2. Robust drivable road region detection for fixed-route autonomous vehicles using map-fusion images
    Yichao Cai, Dachuan Li, Xiao Zhou, and Xingang Mou
    Sensors 2018